During an employee’s working process, in addition to factors such as remuneration policies, work procedures, company culture, etc. The working environment and office operations are important in ensuring and improving work performance. Instead of manual management, today, the world trend is to apply technology-software to office administration!

1. What is office operations management?
It can be broadly understood as follows: Office administration is a set of daily activities related to financial planning, record keeping, finance, human resources, physical distribution, and logistics in a certain organization.
However, few people know the concept of “Office operations management”. Office operations management is considered the submerged part of the “iceberg” because it is the management and operation of buildings, facilities, and information about people working in that building or office. Although it is an important part of the working process for employees, this trend has only recently emerged in Vietnam.

2. What is office operations management software?
Office operations management software is an application of information technology that brings practical results with effective systems and information storage capabilities. Using office operations management software helps optimize resources, control information flow effectively, and also brings many convenient amenities to office tenants.
Office operations management software is the trend of the digital age
Office management software has been widely used in the past 5 years as a necessary adaptation of the prevailing internet era. According to an internal survey, the top 4 criteria when tenants choose an office for their employees are:
– Location: easy to travel, many amenities in the area
– Brand – Office style: brings appropriate feeling and image
– Price: commensurate with service and stability
– Infrastructure: modern technology and well-equipped.
Thus, today’s building and office managers not only have to do a good job of construction, but also pay attention to the process of operating smartly and effectively.

3. Advantages of office management software for businesses

  • Communicate easily, enhance engagement
    It is a fact that tenants (usually office workers) will tend to stay longer, stick with and use the office for a long time if they have a feeling of “belonging”. It’s the feeling of being connected to colleagues, friends, and everyday relationships, and having the opportunity to learn new things – one of the common reasons people accept a job offer. That’s why building operations management software that integrates a chat feature for tenants will be a big plus.
  • Centralized Data – Transform conventional management processes into digital processes with CyO
    All the data from the management process can now tell a story. From overall progress to visitor registration, the information can be digitized and stored on the cloud system, for analysis and retrieval at any time.
  • Diverse online utilities and services
    In addition to internal management and operation of office buildings, an ecosystem of utilities is also a trend that can not be ignored when building office management and operations solutions. Utility services from management or partners will also bring many great experiences to office tenants.

4. CyOffice office management software
CyOffice, also known as CyO – is a solution in the advanced urban ecosystem of CYFEER company, designed specifically for management operations of Grade A buildings and above and has been – is being applied by many businesses. leading asset management company in Vietnam.
We can help bring different experiences that can make tenants choose your office with the following outstanding features:

  •  Customer service: HelpDesk, Notifications, Real-time communication, Building access logs.
  • Financial Services: rental fee management, fee notification, fee collection, cash book, online payment
  • Facilities: Services – Utilities
  • Administration: Dashboard, Task management, rental requests, Business Intelligence, Documents, Staff.
  • Building configuration: System setup, facilities, models, accounts, authorization
  • Backup (Backup): daily, 6h-block, real-time
  • White Label: Web rental, App rental, Web PMS, App PMS
  • System integration: SAP, FAST, MISA, Bravo, BMS, BIM
  • Service integration: Card control, Access control, Parking control, Air/energy/IoT regulatio

Our philosophy
Our philosophy of doing business and product development lies in 3 main pillars: Data centralization / Centralized model – Automation of time-consuming tasks – Open integration. From there, the core of CyO products is OPTIMIZATION TO MAXIMIZATION BASED ON CENTRALIZED DATA.

With the mission of developing technology solutions for building operations with integrated scalability, we not only aim at solutions to optimize office operations management for management boards, but also improve the quality of life. live work for office tenants, thereby helping to improve the efficiency of the economy as a whole.
Contact us now for more details!



Headquater: No. 46B/33B, Pham Ngu Lao Street, Phan Chu Trinh Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi City

Ho Chi Minh: G0-03.04, Galaxy 9, 9 Nguyen Khoai, Ward 1, District 4

Hanoi: NTT18, 82 Nguyen Tuan, Thanh Xuan Trung Ward, Thanh Xuan District

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